

Stich Angell attorneys have significant experience defending product liability actions for product manufacturers, distributors, and sellers. Most of our product liability litigation involves claims that a product caused injury or property damage due to negligence in product design, manufacturing, warnings or marketing.

We have defended wrongful death, catastrophic personal injury and other product liability claims in courts across Minnesota. Our past cases encompass a wide range of products, including industrial machinery, heavy equipment, recreational equipment, household products, appliances, health and beauty products, construction and building materials and chemical products. We also have extensive experience defending elevator and escalator claims.

We believe in early evaluation and case strategy that utilizes the most economical and effective means to an end. Through experience, we’ve developed a keen eye to the timing of settlement discussions, the scope of necessary discovery, and what motion practice will keep the case moving forward in the most productive manner. Cases which should be tried, we take to verdict.

We also represent manufacturers and insurers in coverage litigation related to product liability. Our attorneys have extensive experience in suits involving casualty, comprehensive and other types of insurance for companies.

Stich Angell lawyers have handled a multitude of personal injury claims alleged to have been caused by defective products, from loss of limbs to illness caused by foodborne illness.

Our lawyers have recently and successfully defended restaurants, producers, manufacturers, and others in claims alleged to have arisen from foodborne illness like e. coli, salmonella, and listeria. We recognize the importance of investigating and isolating the source of the illness, as there are often delays between the plaintiff consuming the food and the onset of symptoms. Stich Angell lawyers are also skilled at minimizing the value of such claims, as many do not result in lasting health issues.

We also have the experience to defend manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who are sued by plaintiffs claiming their medical devices, such as implants, prosthetics, and surgical instruments, have caused personal injuries.

Many defective products cause damage due to fire. With decades of experience in handling fire loss cases, Stich Angell is well-equipped to defend your company in even the most complex cases. We have defended fire cases involving vehicles, household appliances, agricultural implements, building components (including materials, plumbing, and mechanical components), and other machinery. We also have experience in cases in which the fire suppression system is implicated. Our lawyers are experienced in litigating cases involving fault analysis, cause and origin disputes, and fire spread issues. From the point of the initial investigation onward, we are always working toward the best possible resolution of the claim for our client.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

If you need legal assistance, give us a call. Our attorneys will be happy to discuss your concerns with you.